Senin, 29 November 2010

Download Gratis Game Feeding Freenzy 2

Download Gratis Game Feeding Freenzy 2

Mau bagi-bagi koleksi game lagi neh, kali ini game Feeding Freenzy 2, sebuah game dari POPCAP Games. Game ringan yang cukup menarik dan bisa menghilangkan stress, tak perlu spesifikasi komputer yang wah untuk dapat memainkannya. Game yang sering saya mainkan ketika masih kuliah dulu, gamenya cukup menarik dan lumayan buat ngilangin stress.
Game ini terbilang cukup simpel, karena cukup menggunakan mouse sebagai kontrolnya. Game ikan laut yang memakan ikan lainnya hingga cukup besar untuk memakan semua ikan yang ada disetiap levelnya. Game lumayan gampang-gampang susah, memerlukan ketangkasan agar tidak dimakan oleh ikan yang lebih besar. Ada sekitar 60 level yang Anda lewati, dan disetiap 10level Anda akan mendapatkan jenis ikan baru yang akan Anda kendalikan untuk memakan ikan yang lain. Kontrolnya pun cukup dengan klik kiri dan klik kanan pada mouse Anda. Klik kiri untuk mengejar ikan, dan klik kanan untuk menyedot kumpulan ikan. Ada bonus jika Anda bisa memakan ikan baracuda, tentunya ikan baracuda tersebut harus Anda gigit ekornya beberapa kali baru kemudian dapat Anda makan.
Ya intinya game ini patut Anda coba dan mainkan…
berikut screenshoot gamenya!

silahkan download dan instal, tanpa crack dan serial…instal and run!

logo maker


Ini adalah sangat sederhana dan intuitif bagi Anda untuk pembuat logo desain logo dalam beberapa menit. Anda Tidak Harus profesional desainer logo untuk membuat logo perusahaan berkualitas tinggi, logo bisnis, web tanda tangan, tombol, ikon, dll

Aplikasi ini merupakan pencipta logo yang kaya template built-in, & gaya preset efek warna, baik dirancang logo dan gambar, Yang Akan Memuaskan Kebutuhan Anda Sepenuhnya dan membuat logo Anda unik. Juga Pastikan mengedit besar kemampuan desain logo yang halus dan menyenangkan proses.

Anda tidak perlu CorelDraw atau Adobe Photoshop yang berat itu, hanya untuk membuat logo menarik dan profesional dengan mudah.



Tata letak mimpi bukanlah sesuatu yang mustahil untuk dilakukan - hanya menggunakan alat yang tepat. Artis memiliki sumber daya untuk membuat layout untuk situs web dan blog dari berbagai gaya dan format yang sesuai dengan semua selera, jadi alat yang sangat serbaguna. Varietas ini juga mempengaruhi berbagai platform yang Anda dapat mengekspor layout diproduksi dengan Artisteer. Program ini memiliki antarmuka yang sangat sederhana dan didesain untuk digunakan dalam program-program dari Office 2007 suite.

Bila Anda sedang beroperasi di edisi standar Artisteer, melihat bahwa layar akan muncul menanyakan yang platform akan menerima tata letak Anda. Program ini didukung oleh: Wordpress (untuk blog), Joomla, Drupal (baik pengembang dari portal online) Home Business (HTML), Aplikasi dan ASP.NET CodeCharge Studio (untuk pengguna tingkat lanjut yang ingin mengembangkan isi dibedakan) . Jenis kendaraan yang Anda hasilkan akan mempengaruhi gaya halaman, tetapi tidak banyak.

The blog telah diferensial pada posting yang diatur sedemikian rupa sehingga yang paling baru diekspos di bagian atas daftar. Karena gaya portal situs memiliki tata letak yang berbeda untuk mengakomodasi hirarki konten yang tersedia. Dengan cara ini, merasa bebas untuk membuat layout seperti yang Anda lihat sesuai, setelah artis memberikan kebebasan ini. Untuk mulai menggunakannya, instal dan memilih platform untuk digunakan.

Mulai dari awal
Jika Anda keluar dari pikiran, bisa meminta para seniman sendiri memberi saran tentang cara untuk membangun tata letak Anda dengan mengklik "Sarankan Design" tombol di bawah palet (dalam posisi yang sama logo Office 2007). Berikutnya, Anda melihat bahwa program ini juga menawarkan beberapa saran, tetapi ini spesifik dan ditargetkan ke warna, huruf, latar belakang, bentuk, sheet, tersedia layout dan fitur lainnya. Tab kedua atau tab adalah "Warna dan Font", seperti namanya, cukup pilih template warna dan font siap atau menyesuaikan satu untuk membuat proyek Anda tetap seperti yang Anda inginkan.

Mengubah urutan faktor-faktor
Bagaimana Anda ingin tata letak adalah unik dan berdiri dengan wajah Anda, penempatan berita sangat penting. Setiap posisi dapat lebih melayani satu jenis kendaraan. Namun, pilihan ini bebas dan itu adalah pemilik halaman untuk memutuskan. Namun, artis menawarkan pilihan satu, dua atau tiga kolom. Jika dua atau lebih kolom, mereka dapat berada di bagian kanan atau kiri. Ketika datang ke tiga kolom dapat menggabungkan blok sehingga blok sentral (salah satu yang tetap dengan pos - untuk blog) itu diapit oleh kolom-kolom dengan widget dan konten tambahan.

Memilih latar
Latar belakang harus sesuai dengan tata letak Anda, setelah semua itu adalah dasar dari segala sesuatu. Artis memiliki pilihan yang sangat menarik untuk setiap User. Program ini memiliki perpustakaan yang baik disesuaikan grafis untuk latar belakang yang berisi grafik, bersinar, dan bahkan gradien warna murni dan sederhana. Di samping itu, "Sarankan Dana" selalu dapat menjadi alternatif untuk memutuskan.

Situasi pembulatan
Artis juga menawarkan pilihan bagi Anda untuk memilih format halaman yang Anda inginkan. Tab ini didedikasikan untuk sudut - berkata kasar. Kendaraan Anda dapat memiliki tepi lurus, bulat, dengan ujung membulat atau teduh dan seterusnya. Sebagai latar belakang, hal ini menjelaskan banyak identitas visual tempat Anda di web. Tab ini juga dapat menyarankan pilihan lembaran serta alat untuk konfigurasi manual kriteria ini.

Logo, banner atau teks sederhana: tinggal pilih !
Banyak website yang diidentifikasi dengan logo mereka, atau sesuatu yang melambangkan gagasan utama itu dalam sekejap dan grafis. Namun, perlu memiliki desain super yang dirancang untuk menarik pengunjung. Tentu saja, semakin indah desain, adalah lebih baik kelihatannya. Untuk membantu Anda, para artis memiliki serangkaian gambar, foto, huruf, efek, kecerahan dan banyak sumber daya lain untuk membantu saat membuat merek digital Anda. Anda juga dapat memilih gambar yang sudah Anda miliki di komputer Anda, cukup menyesuaikan mereka ke format tata letak Anda.

Menu item, Blok dan Tombol
Semua fitur ini terkait dengan bentuk blog atau website Anda. Jadi, jika Anda sedang berpikir untuk melakukan sebuah blog atau website dengan bentuk bundar, ingatlah untuk mengikuti pola ini untuk membuatnya halus. Jika tidak, mengambil berbagai bentuk dapat menyebabkan keanehan dalam pengunjung Anda dan mungkin tidak kembali. Semua tab yang berhubungan dengan isu semacam ini beberapa model di samping tombol otomatis Artisteer saran. Untuk menu Anda dapat menentukan apakah akan dioperasikan oleh tombol, tab dan bahkan jika akan ada sub-gaya kaskade atau yang menurut Anda terbaik.

Dari bawah ke atas
Footer adalah bagian penting dari tata letak yang agak diabaikan dalam waktu untuk menciptakan skema ini. Di dalamnya, Anda memasukkan informasi penting termasuk hak cipta dan distribusi konten ini di situs web Anda, hyperlink ke suatu tempat yang Anda anggap penting, RSS feed untuk didukung oleh pengunjung Anda dan informasi lainnya yang Anda anggap perlu sebagai cara hubungi pencipta tata letak dan lain-lain.

Ketika Anda selesai mengedit item tersebut, kembali ke tab pertama "Ide" dan ekspor proyek Anda dengan mengklik tombol atas. Anda dapat mengedit preferensi untuk ekspor layout dengan mengklik bagian bawah tombol. Dalam jendela ini, Anda dapat menentukan beberapa hyperlink dan watermark pilihan yang ingin ditampilkan pada tata letak Anda setelah menyelesaikan. Kemudian Anda melihat cara untuk mengubah tata letak server anda dan masukkan kreasi Anda.

For HTML and plain text e-books (.html, .htm, .txt)

Your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape, Opera etc.) will support reading of these e-books and you need nothing else. In addition though, there are a number of other e-readers you can install for an enhanced reading experience. Examples follow.

Tom's eTextReader This free (freeware) program lets you read plain text files - e.g. Project Gutenberg e-books - in a book-like manner. You can select Window size, font style and font size. Page breaks are then inserted automatically. You can also set bookmarks and search for character strings. A simple text editor is included as well. This program does not use a lot of memory.

yBook, from Spacejock. The yBook takes plain text (.txt) or HTML files and displays the contents as if they were printed in a paperback novel. You get two pages side by side & can click the pages to turn them; you can also change the typeface/ & re-size the fonts 8 to 24 points Other features too. Another pleasing -and Aussie - creative achievement from one of the "small-fry" who often outperform the "big guys" on the Web.

For Microsoft format e-books (.lit files)

Microsoft Reader for Desktop and Laptop PC
Free software, available in English, French,German, Italian or Spanish versions. If you have an older version already installed, be sure to uninstall it first.

Microsoft Reader for Pocket PC This reader software comes pre-installed on most Pocket PC 2002 and Pocket PC 2003 devices, and may not be compatible with older ones. Before downloading it you should read the relevant Microsoft webpage information carefully. Available in English, French,German, Italian or Spanish versions.

Microsoft Reader for Tablet PC Microsoft Reader for Tablet PC is designed specifically for computers running Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition. It is not designed for any other operating system or device. Available in English, French, & German.

Microsoft Text-to-Speech Package For desktop, laptop and tablet Windows OS PCs. Designed to allow for an audio e-book experience, through text to speech conversion. Comes in English, French, & German varieties. Note that you must have Microsoft Reader 2.0 installed on your machine first, for this additional software to work.

Windows Mobile:

* Windows Mobile OS Version 6 is the current version. Features of this latest version include: access to Windows Live services; improvements to email functionality; support for Microsoft Office features previously available only on full version PCs; a smart calendar bar; & synchronization with Windows Vista.

* Windows Mobile OS 5.0 is the previous version, and was released in May 2005. It supports flash memory, plus landscape displays, 3G networks and Wi-Fi on smart phones. This OS also contained new mobile versions of Word, Excel & Outlook, and included a PowerPoint version and Windows Media Player 10. In addition: enhanced support for Bluetooth, USB 2.0, and integrated hard drives, & it also features improved security.

* The Windows Mobile OS version prior toVersion 5.0 was Windows Mobile 2003 SE (Second Edition).

For Palm or eReader format e-books (.prc, .pdb files)

eReader (formerly Palm Reader & originally Peanut Reader). Basic e-reader software for Palm OS devices, with separate versions for other devices/OS, such as PocketPCs, Windows Mobile or Symbian Smartphones, MAC OS, Unix or OQO. The eReader for Palm either comes with your Palm or other Palm OS devices (e.g. Handspring, Sony Clie) or may be added in by download & installation. From:

There is also a purchasable eReader Pro (some Palm e-books now require the latter). If you want a
copy of the free eReader but would like to check out the fuller version, you can alternatively download a 15 day free trial of eReader Pro. After 15 days the extra Pro features will be disabled, but the rest of the Reader will continue to work as normal.

Check for the version suitable for your handheld device at:

or at :

CspotRun Free reader for documents in the Palm DOC format. Available in Chinese, Czech,
English, French, German, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, or Turkish editions.

HandStory Basic reader for "Palm Doc" and HandStory eBooks. HandStory Basic is a freeware, limited features version of HandStory Suite. There is also a Japanese version, and versions for Mac, PocketPC, & an upgrade for Palm OS 5.2 and above.

Qvadis Express Reader Lite For reading Palm Doc e-texts on Palm OS 3.0 & above. A reduced
but still well-featured & impressive version of the purchasable Qvadis Express Reader. This software has a very small "footprint" (memory requirement).

NB: Many people get confused between two similar sounding but different file formats, both
available for Palm devices These are the ubiquitous Palm Reader format (.prc files) and the somewhat less common Palm Doc format (.pdb files). Each has its own e-reader software.
The essential point to remember is that the Palm Reader (now known simply as eReader) software can read both Palm Reader and Palm Doc format e-books, but e-books formatted for Palm Reader cannot be read with Palm Doc e-reader software.

For PDF e-books (.pdf)

Adobe Readers Other Readers

1. Adobe Digital Editions (NB: Also supports .epub e-books)

Adobe's "Digital Editions" Version 1.7 (as at March 2010) now has versions for both Windows and Mac, with a Linux version still awaited. Like its predecessor the Adobe eBook Reader, this is a much smaller software than the Adobe Reader and is specific for e-books. The download is 4.3MB for the Windows version. Digital Editions software will now read not only PDFs but also the new, fluid ".epub" file specification. Useful features include the abilities to change font size, add bookmarks, make text notes and highlight passages, while SWF multimedia files are supported too. Digital Editions also offers a library mode and a bookshelves feature.

"Digital Editions " is currently offered in English, French, and German versions and can display content in a wide range of languages .NB: Please note the minimum system requirements.

2. Adobe Reader

Go to this URL to find the most recent Adobe Reader version compatible with your desktop or laptop operating system. The Adobe Reader is a larger, fully-featured software for general use with PDF files.

General Adobe Version Notes:

*The latest Adobe Reader version is the Adobe Reader 9 (released July 2008).To use Adobe Reader 9 on a Windows OS PC you need Windows XP or Windows Vista. If you go to this Adobe page and select your OS and version, your system will be scanned and you will be informed of the highest Adobe Reader version you can update to. If your OS predates those shown, you should retain your existing version. Specifically, If you are running Windows ME or 2000 ignore any upgrading hints the Reader may give, and do not go beyond Adobe Reader 7. If your Windows is 95, 98, or 98SE it is unwise to go beyond Adobe Reader 6. Note that although dire warnings may flash up, most PDFs will still display successfully with Adobe Reader 6 or above.

* New features of Adobe Reader 9. Fully supports the newest PDF file versions. Can interact directly with Adobe Flash software. There are useful improvements to search abilities too. This release is available for Windows and Mac operating systems only so far, in English, French, German, and Japanese language versions. Further OS and language support is expected later.

* Since the full release of Digital Editions (see above) Adobe Reader Versions 8 and above will not themselves read DRM-protected PDF e-books, although Digital Editions can be launched from within Adobe Reader 8 and above. However if you want to continue reading DRM-protected e-books & don't want to install the Digital Editions software, stick with earlier versions of the Adobe Reader.

Earlier version notes

*Adobe Reader 6 and the earlier Acrobat eBook Reader can coexist as separate general PDF
and e-book readers, or you can migrate most e-books previously acquired to Adobe Reader 6
using the eBook Migration Utility.

*Adobe Reader 6 united the Acrobat eBook Reader and the Acrobat Reader. All e-books acquired after installing Adobe Reader 6.0 or above versions download to your Adobe Reader.

*Note also that Netscape 4 web browser versions do not support Adobe 6, so if you are still
using any of these old versions of Netscape do not go above Adobe 5 to read PDF files.

* For the record: The fastest-loading Adobe PDF reader was actually Acrobat Reader 4.05.

Prior versions

If you prefer an earlier Acrobat Reader version, or want a version for a different OS, go instead to:

3. Adobe Reader versions for mobile devices

For Adobe Reader versions for a mobile device with one of the following operating systems:
Palm OS for Windows, Palm OS for Macintosh, Windows Mobile for Pocket PC, Symbian OS go to:

For viewing Adobe PDF files on Palm OS devices:

For viewing Adobe PDF files on Pocket PC devices:

For viewing Adobe PDF files on Symbian OS devices

NB: The above are the main current versions. If you want to look at all possible versions of Adobe Readers (including older versions, all languages versions and versions for different operating
systems), or if you want to download from a plain text page, go instead to:

Non-Adobe PDF Readers

Foxit Reader

A memory-lite, nimble software compared with the Adobe Reader, comes in both standard free and purchasable Pro* versions. Enables you to view, search and print PDFs. Fast launching and fully featured. Use with Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista.
* The PRO version includes a PDF to TXT (plain text) conversion option, and extensive PDF annotation features.

Pdf Reader for Symbian OS PDAs. Free/shareware version of the PDF+ Reader, with lesser functionality. Available as a zip file, (, or as a (much larger) pdf.sis file. For more details see:

Multi-format readers

AportisDoc Well-featured software for viewing electronic text and books on Palm OS, Pocket PC
& Windows CE portable devices. Comes in various versions, obtainable from:,fid,6227,00.asp

Note that a related software, AportisDoc Converter for Windows, can convert web pages, Microsoft Word (.doc),
WordPerfect (.wpd), Adobe Acrobat PDF (.pdf), Rich Text (.rtf), or text (.txt) files into AportisDoc (Doc) format, to read
on the above OS handhelds.

Blio Reader - COMING SOON
The Blio Reader is a new, platform-neutral, e-reading software, particularly suitable for presenting multimedia. As well as text view, it will cater for video, graphics, hyperlinks, and high-quality audio text-to-speech. Translation into up to sixteen languages may also soon be possible (but don't expect perfection in that).

In addition to e-books, Blio will fully represent magazines or websites in colour, showing all layout, typesetting and special features. There are a variety of viewing choices available for the high-resolution display, including double page view and 3D effect. The Blio Reader is free to download, but registration is required. More than 1.2 million titles are already available for use with Blio - that includes free public domain books from Project Gutenberg, Google, and Feedbook. Introduced in 2010 by Ray Kurzweil & friends.

FBReader is a free e-book reader for many Linux-based portable devices and Linux and Windows XP desktop computers. It supports the following file formats: CHM, .fb2, HTML, mobipocket (non-DRM only) OeB, OpenReader, Palmdoc, Plain text, plucker, RTF, TCR zTxt. The various versions were still in Beta format at mid 2008, so please consider that factor before installing.

Mentoract Reader Free, cross-platform viewer for OEB standard-compliant e-books (provided they are not encrypted). It continues to be improved. Features include: displays animated GIF (.gif) graphics, supports interactive Java applets, plays embedded audio. Supports internationalized characters sets, including correct right-to-left flowing script. Automatic recognition of system-installed fonts for international characters. One-page or two-page displays available for all books, resizing of screen or fonts offered & full text search included.

MobiPocket Reader
Popular, well-featured & multi-platform, the French-based MobiPocket is an e-book
& e-news reader for handheld devices. There are versions that works with Palm OS (version 3.0 & above), Windows CE (version 2.0 and above), Windows Mobile, Symbian OS and with devices such as the Blackberry, Psion Epoc32, the Franklin eBookman, Nokia 9210, 9290 & various other Nokia, Symbian, & MS model smartphones, Casio BE-300 & & some other devices.

Available in both English & a range of European languages. Reads texts formatted as .doc, OEB,
.prc, .txt, & HTML, as well as Mobipocket editions. The free version is available from:

uBook is an e-book reader for Windows OS & the Pocket PC that lets you read a number of other formats, including HTML, TXT, RTF, and unencrypted (not commercial) PRC (Palm format) and PDB (Palm DOC format) e-book files. Reportedly also useful for reading large & cumbersome Word documents - simply save the large Word file as an HTML, RTF, or TXT file, & then read it using uBook. Free as a "nagging"/trial version, or $US15 for a licenced copy.
There's also µBookLite at:

Other format readers

DNL Reader Use for multimedia e-books created for PCs and laptops in the .dnl file format. Reads e-books created with DeskTop Author software from the DNAML company. Use with Windows or Virtual Windows only (no Mac so far). Direct dowload link at :

eBooksReader Reads e-books created with the EBooksWriter software.

FlipViewer allows the viewing of online content in a "realistic 3D page flipping book". Many
Flip Books are available on the Net. The viewer is free, but you can also purchase software to
create your own Flip Books. There are two varieties, FlipViewer & FlipViewer Browser Version.

Game Boy Book Reader MQP Electronics sponsors a page where enthusiasts teach you how to
load books to the Game Boy device, with a link to some free classic adventure novels also provided.

hiebook Reader for PC This software comes pre-installed on hiebook devices and is no longer available independently. However it is also included on the device CD, so that if you wish to read hiebook formatted titles on your PC you can install it there and do so. There's also HiBuilder software, which you can use to make your own hiebook format e-book, or to convert your personal documents for reading on the hiebook device.

i S i l o free Limited free version of this memory-saving software. Fast searching features & the
ability to display html documents are amongst its assets. Also supports the .pdb (Palm DOC) format for Palm OS devices. You download the full iSilo as a trial version to begin with - after 30 days it drops to the limited free version, if you do not buy it. Varieties available for Palm, Pocket PC, Windows, Windows CE, Windows Mobile Smartphone, Symbian UIQ, and Symbian Series 60

OpieReader (QTRreader) - is an e-book reader for Linux OS. It will read the following formats:
"Doc" (AportisDoc) , Weasel or ztxt, Plucker, gzipped text, ppms text, plain text with special handling of PML or HTML marked-up text, plus early non-DRM Palm Reader pdb files. For further information & download visit:

e-Reader Software Requiring Purchase

NB: Before you buy or download any software, we recommend you first read the FAQ (frequently asked questions) or other relevant Information on the website in question, to check if the software is appropriate for your needs.

DeepReader For Palm OS devices (OS version 3.5 or higher). Shareware designed by one of those talented individuals who put major corporations to shame.

This software supports the Palm DOC (.pdb) format. Features include bookmarks, choice of several easy-to-read fonts, clear paragraph breaks, indenting, "smart" quotes, italics, full justification options, "and more." You can also set text to automatically smooth-scroll at various speeds. Further options for colour screens & advanced- model handhelds like the Sony Clie. Free trial version available, or buy from:

iSilo E-reader available in different versions for Palm OS devices (Palm OS 3.0 or higher) and for Pocket PC, Pocket PC 2002 & Pocket PC 2003. iSilo displays documents formatted using HTML & also supports the .pdb format. Features include higher text compression (so uses less memory), supports hyperlinks & high-quality colour images. A free trial download is available. From:

Orneta Reader A document reader for the Smartphone that reads text and PDF files(without graphics). It will read files of any size, and will open a document at the same place it was last closed. Text size and fonts are adjustable for easy reading. Text is displayed by flowing the document without using scrollbars: An automated playback mode scrolls by word, page, or line.

eReader Pro for handhelds Purchasable de luxe versions of the free (Palm) eReader software. Also in French,German, Italian or Spanish; & for Windows and Macintosh PCs as well as Palm handhelds & PocketPCs. The Agfa Monotype eBook Font Pack may also be purchased.

*Note that eReader Pro for Palm OS requires a handheld supporting Palm OS 3.0 or later.

PDF+ Reader The PDF+ reader is for recent Symbian OS (EPOC) PDA's. It works on all Symbian ER1, ER3 and ER5 PDA's, including the Psion Series 5, 5mx & 5mx Pro, the Series 7, the Psion Netbook, the Revo & Revo Plus, the Diamond Mako, the Ericsson MC 218 and the Oregon Scientific Osaris. There is also a separate version for the Nokia 9200 Series Communicator. You can purchase this software from Handango. A plainer version (Pdf Reader) is available for free. For full details see:

Sharp DOC Reader is an e-book reader for the (embedded Linux- based) Sharp Zaurus device. This software can read .pdb and .prc files in DOC, Ztxt (Weasel), & MobileDB formats. Many features, e.g. page management, bookmarks, multiple font sizes, word search.
Sharp DOC Reader

TomeRaider TomeRaider works with Palm OS, Pocket PC, Pocket PC 2002 & EPOC handhelds, & Windows too. Features a simple interface but database-like capabilities, including excellent compression, good indexing, fast navigation, and super-fast searching. The TomeRaider file format does not support DRM (encrypted files), which means you won't find any current commercial titles for it. However, there are nearly 2,000 free e-documents in TomeRaider format available at MemoWare

To download a free demo TomeRaider version, or purchase the full version, specify your device OS at:

QVADIS Express Reader Easy to use, well-featured, award-winning, Palm OS centred software. Comes in three forms, all available for free 30 day trial as shareware. These are:
*Express Reader GT for Palm applications only.
*Express Reader DX for Desktop PCs.
*Express Reader Pro/ Express Publisher for both Palm and Desktop PCs. As a PC viewer this last is also an editor/converter that enables you to preview, edit or convert to Palm format from text, rich text, HTML and MS Word.

Speciality & Disability e-Reader Software

CAST eReader A text to speech + extras reader, available in both Macintosh and Windows versions. Adds spoken voice, visual highlighting and document/ page navigation to any electronic text. Users can also select volume, speed, and pitch of the reading voices. Source text can be HTML, word processing files, scanned or typed-in text. A full-featured shareware (Windows only) demo. version can also be downloaded from their site.

Copernic Summarizer is software which "analyses texts, pinpoints key concepts, and quickly produces allegedly concise and accurate summaries composed of the most important sentences. It's reported to work with file types.doc, .txt, .pdf, .rtf, .url, .htm & .html; in English, French, German and Spanish. You can run it on a PDA or integrate it into a Web browser. Free trial version available, fully functional for 30 days.

DAISY (talking book format). The DAISY Consortium is made up of organisations world-wide serving persons who are blind or print -disabled. DAISY is establishing an International Standard for the production, exchange, and use of the next generation of "Digital Talking Books". Here you will find production tools, specifications and other useful information on producing digital audio books. Some information is freely available for downloading, other information is restricted to registered members.

Embiid Reader for Windows No longer available. The Embiid website has closed. This reader was designed for e-books & documents prepared in the proprietary Embiid file format (.ubk). The software will also read plain text files & simpler HTML. It is a small, quick-loading application allowing selection of font face, colour, size & background colour. The Embiid Reader freeware was designed with the vision-impaired in mind. NB: There is also an Embiid Reader for Palm OS devices (basically "CspotRun" with DRM added).

eMonocle Reader Comes from Ion Systems, the GalaxyLibrary people. It is designed to read e-books conforming to the Open eBook (OeB) file specification, & may also be used with other XML file types. EMonocle provides special assistance to low-vision, dyslexic, scotopic and blind readers. For example font size may be increased up to 144 points, and graphics & online forms may also be enlarged. Background color or contrast settings may be altered too. Single click page turning, & printing in different font sizes are other features.

SmartReader SmartReader is cross-platform, java-based e-reader software specifically designed for use with interactive mathematical, scientific & engineering text. It is claimed to run on any device that supports Java or Personal Java. Versions for Macintosh, Win CE, any JVM (Java Virtual Machine) available. For further information, go to this shareware download page:

SVG Viewer (SVG = Scalable Vector Graphics) A viewer intended for use especially with maps & highly detailed images. Our very own CSIRO developed this software for desktop & laptop PCs, & subsequently for Windows CE handheld devices. However CSIRO advised in 2007 that PocketSVG is no longer available.

TextAloud The NextUp company provides a boon to the visually impaired with their TextAloud program, which converts e-texts into audio books for either immediate use or saving as MP3 files. At:

TK3 Reader Freeware, for Windows and Macintosh computers. Allows you to read multimedia documents created with TK3 Author. Great for kids books & many multimedia situations. Read more & then download if desired from:

TumbleReader TumbleBooks are interactive animated picture books for kids. They include text, music and narration and are designed for the TumblePad device. However the free e-reader for the "TumbleBooks" format is also downloadable to PC's, notebooks and handheld devices. It comes with joining the Tumble Club/Library for an annual fee.

Software to assist e-publishing - general

Planet Publish Tools List Includes categories for design, graphics, dynamic media, fonts, web,
print and XML for publishing. Their excellent directory contains more than 1,000 software products.

PocketPC mag's Encyclopedia of Software and Accessories

Some Individual e- Publishing & File Conversion Software

Adobe Acrobat For creating PDF e-books or documents. Comes in two main varieties.
For further information view the following pages:

Adobe Acrobat Standard

Adobe Acrobat Professional

Adobe Content Server Designed to package and distribute encrypted Adobe PDF e-books
directly from your Web site. Adobe discontinued sales of Adobe Content Server software on
November 30, 2004. However customers could continue to distribute content with the digital rights management (DRM) functionality found in Adobe Acrobat versions 6.0x and 7.0, with
Adobe Reader 7.0 software, and with the new Adobe Digital Editions integrated with Adobe Acrobat and Reader 8.0 software. The Digital Rights Management activator service was maintained
until December 31, 2007.

Desktop Author Creates 'page turning' electronic publications with interactive and multimedia potential, including books, catalogues, brochures, presentations, photo albums, exams, forms etc. A free trial version with limited functionality is also available. Publications created are read with the DNL reader, which can be incorporated if desired or downloaded separately.

eBook Pro This e-book compiler addresses security issues in particular. It uses an HTML source
file. You can also incorporate Flash animation, Shockwave sound, Real Audio & Video, Acive X & javascript features. There is currently a base charge, plus a small fee for each "registration code" for copies of your book sold in excess of one thousand. Expect lots of hype, & beware of pop-ups, at:

EBooksWriter Prepare self-extracting, searchable e-books with full password management; copy
and print disabling; expire- by date as required. Full visual editor. Online manual, an online forum,
& email support. Free trial LITE edition supports a maximum of about 40 pages. PRO edition for complete books available for purchase. French, German & Italian versions also available. Books
created are to be read in the free eBooksReader (see free e-readers)

Electric Quill Professional Quill Professional Feature Set. "Quill Pro is a pre-publication e-book text editor designed specifically for the creation of quality electronic books for publication on web sites or in Microsoft Reader eBook (Lit) format..." See:

FlipPublisher Software to create "realistic 3D page-flipping" e-books, documents, photo albums etc., for viewing online on the Web, or offline on CD-ROM.

HTMLDOC Converts HTML files to PDF or PostScript. Runs on Mac OS X, Windows OS (Windows 95 plus), & UNIX/Linux operating systems. An OS/2 version is also available. Purchasable versions: HTMLDOC with 90 day End-User Software Support; HTMLDOC with 1 year End-User Software Support. Also offered (free) is PDF-o-matic, a PHP script that uses HTMLDOC to convert the web page of your choice to PDF.

Intuitext offered an online text-conversion service from Romanian-based, OEB forum member SOFTWIN. enabled automated conversion of documents to XML and XML-based formats. Accepted input formats included Adobe PDF, QuarkXPress, MS Word, FrameMaker, RTF or Page Maker. The company is still active in other areas

KeeBook Creator Similar to Flipbook Publisher in that it enables the creation of double-page display 3D Web books from HTML documents. NB: you can convert Word documents to HTML using Microsoft Office 97 & above. KeeBook Creator has a free 15 day trial version available. There is also a more expensive fuller-featured KeeBook Creator Pro for professionals, & a KeeBook Creator Education for teachers.

MakePDF for Word If you want to convert Microsoft Word documents to Portable Document Format (PDF) without the full expense of Adobe Acrobat, then MakePDF for Word is a cheaper, if less-featured, alternative. To use, just copy the template into your Word Startup folder to add a "Make PDF" toolbar to Word. Click the toolbar's Print to PDF button to create a PDF version of the Word file. Includes encryption and file-compression options, but not the internal links, bookmarks, password protection, and some other features of Acrobat Acrobat.,fid,22292,tk,hsx,00.asp

Microsoft Reader Ebook Wizard 1.0 Simple software to create MS Reader e-books.
Available from:

Mobipocket Creator 4.2 enables you to create e-books, e-news, photo albums, personal databases and more. Simple and intuitive user interface and expandable templates. Allows publishers to create their e-books with a content authoring tool designed for customers who read on their PDAs, smartphones or PCs. Includes Import wizards for Adobe PDF & Microsoft Word text files to import existing electronic files. Also includes Mobipocket Emulator to test and preview the eBooks that you create.

Palm eBook Studio is an authoring tool allowing individuals, businesses, publishing companies and online retailers to create, distribute and sell e-books that can be read by eReader software on Palm OS or PocketPC handheld devices, or on Windows & Macintosh desktops. You can either create e-books from scratch, or cut and paste information from existing documents -- such as MS Word or any application that supports Rich Text Format (RTF) -- into eBook Studio. The basic eBook Studio software prepares unencrypted eReader compatible e-books, & is available for both Windows and Mac. It supports the use of graphics and images. If you wish to create protected e-books with DRM (digital rights management) however, then see below.

If you wish to sell Palm format e-books, you need to enter a licencing agreement in addition to purchasing the product. There are two options for authors/publishers. You should carefully compare costs, advantages & disadvantages and the relevance to your situation before selecting an option:

Palm eReader Starter Pak is intended for authors with up to two books who would like to sell them
from their own webpage or site. NB: may require considerable effort for a larger text. It has a higher
initial charge than the Commerce Pak, but no royalties are payable on the first 2,500 copies sold.

Palm eReader Commerce Pak is intended either for the small publisher or web retailer who
plans to sell a variety of e-book titles in unencrypted form, or for the publisher who plans to distribute his titles through a eReader authorized reseller. You need to enter a licencing agreement in
addition to purchasing the product.

ReaderWorks Standard (for Microsoft format) Free software you can use to convert MS Word, HTML, OeB & plain text documents into MS Reader format (Lit) e-books. Also allows for .jpg. .gif &
.png images. Converted e-books can be read on any Windows-based PC, laptop or Pocket PC with Microsoft Reader installed.

ReaderWorks Publisher Fuller-featured e-book authoring and conversion software to produce commercial Microsoft Reader format e-books, for distribution and sale. Accepts MS Word
documents, HTML, OeB Text (ASCII) and JPG, GIF, PNG images.

ReaderWorks SDK A more automated version of ReaderWorks Publisher, SDK is suitable for
large publishers, online content portals, or production facilities. May be purchased from:

TextcafeTexterity's Textcafe file conversion service provides simultaneous e-book editions in six
OEB-compliant formats, Adobe (.pdf), Gemstar (.rb), MS Reader (Lit), HTML, XML & basic OEB
itself. Output to: Open eBook (OEB)1.0, Gemstar eBooks, Palm Reader, Microsoft Reader,
netLibrary OEB & browser HTML . Quotes available from online application.

XML editors
Check out the offerings at:

Formats List (this list of file types is not exhaustive)

APABI - special Chinese file format group, also used for the iRex Iliad e-reader.

.azw - proprietary file format for Amazon's Kindle device (based on the Mobipocket format).

BBeB (BroadBand electronic Book) - Sony Reader proprietary file format.

.book - file format for the Japanese "T-Time" e-reader software.

.ceb - A format of the Apabi Reader, from Founder Electronics.

.dnl - multimedia e-book format; read with DNAML's Digital WebBook software.

.chm - a Microsoft proprietary compressed HTML format.

DOC - AportisDoc format.

.doc - Microsoft Word document (Word versions up to Office 2003; may be set in Office 2007).

.docx -default Microsoft Word document in Office 2007 (= Open XML file format).

.ebx - technical name for the Adobe Acrobat eBook Reader file format.

.epub - open format from the International Digital Publishing Forum, formerly the Open eBook forum. Formulated from OPS 2.0 (Open Publication Structure).

.fb2 - Fictionbook. FBReader, AlReader, Haali Reader and okular software will read this file type, which originated in Russia.

.htm or .html - file written in hypertext markup language (HTML) for reading in Web browsers.

.hwp - Hangul Word Processor, a Korean file format.

.imp - Fictionwise company's file format for eBookwise/ REB/Gemstar devices.

.kml - hiebook proprietary file format.

.lit - Microsoft Reader format for Windows PCs/laptops, plus Win CE & Pocket PC devices.

.lrf - General format for Sony Reader and Sony Librie devices.

.lwp - Lotus Word Pro file.

.mobi - Mobipocket format. Mobipocket Desktop Reader software can convert .chm, .doc, .epub (.ocf), .html, .pdf, .rtf, and .txt files to this format.

OCF - (= OPS Container Format). A distribution format for .epub files.

.odt - Open Office file.

OeB - formulated in full compliance with Open eBook specifications. Superseded by .epub.

.pdb - Palm DOC. iSilo software also reads this format.

.pdf - Adobe PDF format, for Adobe Reader.

.pkg - originally a compressed file for Newton OS e-books. Now mostly an Apple format for Macintosh computers, the iPhone and the Sony Playstation 3.

.prc - format read by Palm OS devices.

.rb - proprietary file format for Rocket eBook, REB 1100, REB 1200 e-reader devices.

.sam - Ami Pro Text File.

.sdw - Star Office text file.

.seb - Franklin proprietary eBookman format.

.stk - Star eBook format

.rtf - Rich text file. Older, limited format, not so common now.

.tcr - A format for devices using the Psion operating system.

.tk3 - Multimedia files read by the TK3 reader from Nightkitchen.

.txt - Plain text format. (ASCII -very limited formatting, special features not available).

.ubk - Proprietary encrypted file type for the Embiid Reader.

.vbk - VitalBook proprietary file format from VitalSource Technologies Inc.

.wol(f) - Proprietary format used by HanLin e Readers. Other formats may share this suffix.

.wpd - WordPerfect document.

.xeb - popular Chinese format for the Apabi Reader.

.xmdf - an enhanced mobile document format for smartphones, common in Japan.

qibla locator

Gambar di atas adalah hasil jepretan Google Map yang telah dimodifikasi sehingga API-nya bisa menentukan arah kiblat kabupaten Sleman tempat pesantrenku dan Kalisabuk Kesugihan Cilacap tempat desaku. Buka saja atau Semoga tempat yang anda cari terdapat dalam databasenya.


Program IRTH online (buka halaman hitung) ini berdasarkan buku "Fiqh Sunnah" karya Assayyed Sabiq. Program ini diuji terhadap lebih dari 160 kasus, diantaranya adalah semua kasus yang terdapat dalam daftar booklet ISNA "Wasiat Terakhir dan Testamen". Juga diuji pada tantangan mahsyur Shafii, Shuraih, Ali, Umar dan Abu Bakar.

Anda dipersilahkan menyalin dan mendistribusikan kode sumber program ini ke sebanyak mungkin orang yang anda inginkan dengan harga. Program ini tidak untuk dijual.

Program IRTH menghitung pewarisan berdasarkan Hukum Islam. Layar program menampilkan kategori ahli waris, sebagai contoh anak laki-laki, anak perempuan dan lain sebagainya. Mudah saja, masukkan jumlah ahli waris pada maising-masing kategori pada dua kolom yang berlabel "Jumlah". Jika tidak ada ahli waris pada kategori tertentu, masukkan 0 atau biarkan kategori tersebut kosong. Ketika kategori terakhir dimasukkan, tekan tombol "Hitung". Bagian waris untuk tiap ahli waris akan ditampilkan pada kolom "Mewarisi" disebelah kategori ahli waris (Hanya untuk Internet Explorer). Jika Anda ingin mensedekahkan sebagain dari harta waris Anda, tidak lebih dari sepertiganya, ke seseorang yang bukan ahli waris yang berhak, Anda dapat melakukannya dengan menekan tombol "Pengaturan", dan memasukkan Hadiah Waris dalam bentuk pecahan dari harta waris, sebagai contoh 1/4, sebelum Anda menekan tombol "Hitung". Bagian Pengaturan juga mengijinkan Anda menspesifikasikan mahzab yang Anda pakai (atau tanpa menggunakan mahzab).

Program ini berhasil diuji dengan sukses menggunakan Internet Explorer versi 5.5 dan 6.0, Netscape Navigator versi 6.2 sampai 7.1, Mozilla versi 1.4, America Online versi 6.0 sampai 9.0 and Firefox. Program ini tidak berjalan di dalam Netscape Navigator versi 4.5 atau sebelumnya, juga tidak pada Opera. Saya menyarankan Internet Explorer v4.0 atau di atasnya.

Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan-pertanyaan tentang program IRTH, silahkan kirimkan email ke alamat di bawah ini.

Dr. Ayman Abu-Mostafa.
Kontribusi software bebas Islami | Kembali ke Program IRTH


"Fiqh Sunnah", Assayyed Sabeq, Darul Kitab-il Arabi, Beirut, Lebanon, Edisi Kedelapan, 1987.
Panduan Wasiat Terakhir dan Testamen, Masyarakat Islam Amerika Utara, Plainfield, Indiana, Edisi Kedua, 1996.
"Al-Mawareeth Ilman wa Amalan (Teori dan praktek mawaris)", Ahmad Ibrahim (Bek), Toko Buku Abdullah Wahba, Kairo, Mesir, 1942.
"Bahthun Mustafeedun Jamiun fi Mirath-il Ikhwati wal Jadd" (Penelitian ekstensif, komprehensif dalam pewarisan pada saudara dan kakek), Ahmad Ibrahim (Bek), Toko Buku Fathullah Ilyas Noori, Mesir, 1938.
Riwayat perbaikan:

1989 Ditulis di TurboPascal. Direview oleh Universitas Al-Azhar
1990 Direview oleh Dr. Jamal Badawi.
1992 Diterjemahkan ke HyperTalk serta direview oleh Dr. Jamal Badawi dan lainnya.
1998 Diterjemahkan ke JavaScript dan direview oleh banyak orang.
2003 Diuji secara ekstensif oleh Lubna Zubairi, Departemen Wasiat Islamic Relief, London, Inggris. Terimakasih.
Menambahkan pengaturan berbagai mahzab dan pendapat-pendapat.
Menambahkan saudara ibu yang lain ("Thuwuul-Arhaam") dan Hadiah Waris.
2005 Membuatnya lebih mudah digunakan oleh pemakai Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape Navigator dan browser America Online.
Menambahkan halaman tanya jawab.
2007 Diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia oleh Eko Suprapto Wibowo, Musthafa Zahir dan Muhammad Abdul Mu'iz.

Kumpulan khutbah

Kumpulan khutbah dalam bahasa Jawa dan bahasa Indonesia lengkap bisa anda dowload disini (24 mb).... atau di sini juga bisa....

font Honocoroko

font Honocoroko yang bisa dipakai secara manual menulis aksara jawa di aplikasi manapun yang mendukung ttf font, seperti MS Word, Corel, PhotoShop, RealDraw dll...
Baca keterangan di bawah dan download file rar kecil ini yang berisi font Hanacaraka dan dokumentasi cara pemakaiannya (File pdf di bawah). Alternatif download.


Kadang kita kesulitan dalam menulis angka-angka dan pernyataan rumus matematika di soal-soal tesk ujian dengan Ms Word meski sudah ada Equation Editor. Nah ternyata EE tersebut adalah hak cipta dari mathtype (r). Dan dengan aplikasi ini anda lebih bisa leluasa menulis dan mengetik soal dengan rumit sehingga murid-murid anda belum pasti bisa menjawabnya, karena anda sendiri bingung juga. Download disini...(6 MB)


Satu lagi aplikasi yang harus dipunyai murid yang cerdik dan guru yang lemah, Algebrator, pemecah masalah aljabar nya matematika model apapun. Download di sini...(6 Mb)

Quran Player

Quran Player adalah Kitab Suci Al-Qur’an dalam bentuk digital. Quran Player menyediakan banyak fasilitas dan kemudahan bagi Anda dalarn berinteraksi dengan AI-Qur'an.
Quran Player menyajikan teks AI-Qur'an 30 Juz yang mudah dinavigasi berdasarkan ayat, surah atau juz dan dapat ditampilkan secara berdampingan dengan terjemahannya atau tafsir.
Quran Player menyajikan pembacaan Al-Qur'an oleh dua orang qari yaitu Syaikh Ali Abdurrahman Al-Hudzaifi dan Syaikh Muhammad Ayyub.
Quran Player menyajikan terjemah Al-Qur'an berbahasa Indonesia dari Departemen Agama RI dan terjemah Al-Qur'an berbahasa Inggris oleh Abdullah Yusuf Ali dan Muharnmad Marmaduke Pickthall.
Tafsir Quran Player menyajikan tafsir Jalalain (Jalaluddin As-Suyutti & Jalaluddin Muhammad Ibnu Ahmad AI-Mahalliy) dalam bahasa Indonesia.
Pencarian & Penyalinan Teks
Quran Player menyediakan fasilitas pencarian kata yang terdapat dalam Al-Qur'an, terjemah atau tafsir. Quran Player juga dapat menyalin teks Al-Qur'an, terjemah atau tafsir ke clipboard sehingga dapat digunakan oleh program pengolah kata atau image untuk berbagai keperluan.
Plus MP3
Quran Player juga dapat digunakan pada VCD//DVD player dalam format MP3.
Mudah & Indah
Quran Player sangat mudah digunakan tanpa harus diinstalasi pada komputer terlebih dahulu (autorun) dan dapat ditampilkan dalam berbagai bentuk tampilan indah yang dapat Anda pilih.
Download disini....(demo, tanpa suara). Pakai Imdisk Virtual Drive untuk membuka file iso-nya...

Untuk menjalankan Quran Player dari harddisk, copy seluruh file dari CD Quran Player ke harddisk pada suatu folder. Ganti file Quran.exe dengan yang disediakan di downloadan ini. Untuk pengguna Quran Player 2.0, ganti juga file Quran.uxiv dengan penggantinya yang telah disediakan sebagai update program di downloadan tersebut.


hisab falak

Program Hisab Falak 1.0 ini merupakan program aplikasi bidang astronomy untuk menghitung posisi Bulan dan Matahari setiap saat. Program aplikasi ini terutama dimaksudkan untuk membantu perumusan Kalender Hijriyah, penentuan batas-batas waktu Shalat dan panduan arah Qiblat.

Versi Portable-nya bisa didownload di sini (8 MB)

Aplikasi ini dirancang untuk dapat dijalankan pada komputer yang menggunakan sistem operasi Windows mulai Windows 9x, Windows 2000, Windows Me dan Windows XP. Menu-menu yang disajikan cukup sederhana dengan resolusi layar minimal 800 x 600 pixel.

Berbagai saran, pertanyaan dan informasi mengenai aplikasi ini dapat anda sampaikan melalui mail: atau dikirim via pos ke alamat penulis: Jl Tanjung Wira I/2 GKB Gresik, Indonesia 6115.
Menu-menu Hisab Falak 1.0

Menu-menu yang tersedia dapat dipilih dari panel bar pada kolom Windows. Menu-menu tersebut adalah:

> Hisab Bulan dan Matahari
Ada tiga sajian yang dapat dipilih pada menu ini yaitu: Hisab Lokal awwal Bulan, Hisab saat ini, dan Display Toposentrik (posisi Bulan dan Matahari real time).
Hisab lokal awwal bulan menyajikan data-data kalkulasi posisi Bulan dan Matahari yang berkaitan dengan penetapan awwal dan akhir bulan kalender yang berlaku, khusus untuk lokasi yang dipilih. Sedangkan batas penanggalannya diambil dengan menggabungkan data lokal tersebut dengan data-data lokasi lainnya dalam wilayah negara yang dipilih.
Hisab saat ini menyajikan data-data posisi Matahari dan Bulan untuk waktu yang sedang berjalan (real time) sesuai waktu jam komputer dilihat dari lokasi yang dipilih.
Display Toposentrik, adalah tampilan grafis dari sub menu Hisab saat ini. Lingkaran dengan tanda S menandai Matahari dan lingkaran dengan tanda M menandai Bulan. Pusat koordinat O adalah posisi observer yakni lokasi yang dipilih.

> Qiblat dan Jadwal Shalat
Ada tiga sajian yang dapat dipilih pada menu ini yaitu: Jadwal Shalat Bulanan, Arah Qiblat dan Jadwal Shalat hari ini, dan Arah dan Bayangan Qiblat Bulanan.
Jadwal Shalat Bulanan menampilkan Jadwal Shalat harian selama satu bulan yang berlaku untuk lokasi yang dipilih, dapat pula menampilkan jadwal bulan-bulan yang lainnya mulai bulan Januari sampai dengan Desember untuk tahun yang berjalan.
Arah Qiblat dan Jadwal Shalat Hari ini, menampilkan waktu yang berlaku dan jadwal Shalat harian untuk hari yng berjalan. Dilengkapi pula dengan informasi arah Qiblat untuk lokasi tersebut baik dari arah kompas maupun dari arah Matahari dan Bulan untuk saat yang berjalan.
Arah & Bayangan Qiblat Bulanan, menampilkan data-data selama satu bulan yang berlaku mengenai kapan saatnya Matahari searah atau berlawanan arah dengan Matahari. Dapat pula menampilkan data-data bulan-bulan yang lainnya mulai bulan Januari sampai dengan Desember untuk tahun yang berjalan.

> Kalender Hijriyah
Menu ini menampilkan tampilan kalender selama satu bulan untuk bulan yang berlaku, dilengkapi dengan resume hasil hisab yang mendukung penetapan awal bulan tersebut dari seluruh lokasi wilayah di negara yang dipilih.

> Set Data
Menu ini disediakan untuk fasilitas mengubah lokasi, memodifikasi data lokasi, menambah atau mengurangi data lokasi. Untuk memilih lokasi cukup dengan menyorot lokasi yang diinginkan pada list box, lalu klik dua kali atau klik tombol pilih kemudian klik tombol aktifkan. Untuk berpindah negara klik pada posisi nama negara, maka akan muncul combo box pilihan negara dan klik nama negara yang dikehendaki lalu pilih lokasinya seperti di atas.
Selain menu lokasi disediakan menu lainnya yaitu Set Parameter Hisab dan setting waktu-waktu peringatan bangun malam dan waktu Shalat.

> Referensi
Menyajikan beberapa referensi utama yang penulis gunakan untuk pembuatan program aplikasi Hisab Falak ini.



Photoscape 3.2 is the fun and easy photo editing software that enables you to fix and enhance photos.

Key Features
Viewer: View your folders photos, slideshow
Editor: resizing, brightness and color adjustment, white balance, backlight correction, frames, balloons, mosaic mode, adding text, drawing pictures, cropping, filters, red eye removal, blooming
Batch editor: Batch editing multiple photos
Page: Make one photo by merging multiple photos at the page frame
Combine: Make one photo by attaching multiple photos vertically or horizontally
Animated GIF: Make one animation photo with multiple photos
Print: Print portrait shot, carte de visite, passport photo
Splitter: Divide a photo into multiple parts
Screen Capture: Capture your screenshot and save it
Color Picker: Zoom in screen on images, search and pick the color
Rename: Change photo file names in batch mode
Raw Converter: Convert RAW to JPG

Video help and tutorial here.....


Juz 'Amma Player

Software Juz 'Amma Player adalah program komputer freeware yang menyajikan 37 surah Al-Qur'an yang terdapat pada Juz 30. Juz 'Amma Player dilengkapi dengan terjemahnya dalam bahasa Indonesia. Juz 'Amma Player juga menyajikan pembacaan ayat-ayat Al-Qur'an dari semua surah yang terdapat di dalamnya. Anda dapat mendownload-nya secara cuma-cuma dan bebas untuk disebarluaskan.



Mungkin rival Microsoft Office yang paling handal dan paling banyak digunakan di dunia adalah OpenOffice ini. Gratis dan bisa membuka file yang dibuat oleh Microsof Office, baik Word, Excel, Acces maupun Power Pointnya. Anda bisa mendapatkannya dengan mudah di Bonus majalah komputer atau cukup mendownload file rar ini.



Bila tidak ingin menjadi seorang profesional yang handal, dan anda hany butuh Photoshop untuk menyalurkan bakat seni anda, dan anda memanfaatkan Corel untuk menggambar ide dan inspirasi anda...., maka anda alif sarankan mencoba dan memakai RealDraw, sangat handal dan bagus untuk membuat anda menjadi Artist sore hari, yang tidak kalah dengan para Artworkwer di Alif saja dalam sekali coba bisa membuat beberapa Wallpaper keren sambil menelusuri fitur-fitur RealDraw yang ada.
Bisa mengambar vektor dan disimpan dalam format svg, atau menggambar apapun lalu disimpan dalam format Photoshop (psd) dan bisa dibuka pakai Photoshop manapun (meski layer kadang tidak bisa diedit). Alif mengoleksi Realdraw sejak versi 3.0 dan kini masih tersisa file RealDraw 4.0 (7 MB Portable beberapa file), RealDraw 4.02 Portable (Satu file 11 MB)dan RealDraw 5.0 Portable (Satu file 39 MB).



Ini adalah aplikasi (Download Winhisab di sini) yang dibuat atas biaya DEPAG. Gunanya untuk membuat jadwal shalat dan mencari seluk beluk sifat-sifat matahari dan rembulan di suati masa, sehingga nantinya bisa digunakan dalam penentuan awal bulan Hijriyah yang selalu terjadi saja kontroversialnya.

kamus inggris

Ini adalah kamus portable istilah bahasa Inggris yang kecil tapi berisi ratusan ribu istilah. Sangat berguna bagi kalian untuk memahami istilah yang ada dalam vocabulary english anda. Bagi tiap mahasiswa disaranka mempunyai dan memanfaatkan aplikasi gratis ini.
Anda tinggal mengetik sebuah istilah yang anda inginkan, lalu tekan enter, maka penjelasan tentang istilah itu akan segera muncul, klik tombol back untuk kembali. Dan inilah file Yadabyte yang bisa anda download dan sebarkan
